Once upon a time there was a girl who was worried about her future and stressing out about lots of things that did not really matter. One night her Dad suggested she listen to a talk from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf entitled "Your Happily Ever After". So she did..
President Uchtdorf counsels us to make our own fairy tales, we are in charge of the way our lives work out. We are in control in whether we have a happily ever after, in whether our lives become the best it can be. He encourages us to learn about our Heavenly Father and recognize that we are His children and therefore heirs of deity. We have the opportunity to make our lives anything we want them to be.
When this girl read this talk, she was motivated to make her own fairy tale. Starting today. So this is the diary of how she is finding her happily ever after and enjoying the little things that create a fairy tale.
" 'Happily ever after' is not something found only in fairy tales. You can have it! It is available for you! But you must follow your Heavenly Father’s map. "
Lil! This is so cute! I love it!
An amazing talk and how true!
I'm so excited to see what your fairy tale becomes! It's going to be great!
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