Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Growing Up

Some days I really feel like I'm becoming a grown up. Today has been one of those days.
All because:

1. My camera hasn't been uploading my pictures onto my computer, so today I called tech support. Which may not seem like a big thing but it's really big for me.

2. I cleaned the whole apartment. I'm serious: I did the dishes, swept the floors, swiffered the floors, cleaned the mirror, washed the bathtub, and wiped down the counters and sinks.

3. Probably the biggest thing of all: I bought one of these today..

That's right, a toilet bowl cleaner. I couldn't clean the toilet today cause I didn't have one of those. So I went to Walmart and now my toilet is sparkling. 

I don't really know what is more grown up than spending your money on a toilet bowl cleaner voluntarily. I guess it had to happen sometime. 


Susan said...

That's my girl! Good job!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Oh Lilly. Today a toilet brush tomorrow a plunger.

Look out world, Lilly is a grown up for sure.

Tyler - Danielle - Emree said...

Next thing you know you will be asking for bedding for your birthday (that is what I did this year). Oh cleaning! We have a love hate relationship. I love it clean and I hate to clean it :)!

Brenda Goodrich said...

Lily, I'm so proud of you! I remember the day that I knew I was grown up. It was the day I purchased my first toilet. It was a let down, let me tell you.