Once upon a time..
I spent two weeks killing myself writing a a million papers.
And taking thousands of tests.
All so I could see these lovelies..
We got to watch this girl swim in her last home meet..
(Could she be any more pretty??)
We took some super awesome pictures that will be shown at a later date.
We laughed a ton and shared stories.
I got to see a cute baby..
And then we got to see this amazing guy speak..

When he was done we all shook his hand.
He looked me right in the eyes,
And told me I had a sweet spirit that he appreciated.
(And he meant it in a nice way, Apostles don't tell people they are ugly)
All the stress and work and worry was totally worth it.
I love going home.
The end.
I think you have a sweet spirit also! And I mean that in the best way possible!!
Ummm Lilly.... I hate to burst your bubble but he totally bagged on Jews and Catholics therefore I think you know what the "sweet spirit" comment really meant...
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