Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hard Things

I like doing hard things.

Okay.. I like completing hard things. 

Today I had to do a hard thing, I had to go to school.
Let me clarify: 

I'm sick, have been all week.
It's just a cold but I'm exhausted.
It's completely wiping me out. 

Thursdays are my hard day, I have school from 8am to 5pm.
And today I really didn't want to go.
But I did and I stayed the whole time! 

And when I walked in the door after my lab..
I felt awesome.

Super awesome.


Susan said...

Yahoo for making it through a hard day and a hard week!! Only 4 more days and you'll be home!!

Dad said...

Remind me to give you a hug when you get home, but leave the cold in Provo.