Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Well, another one down
My bio class has been an interesting one, not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing..

We don't have a textbook. Only the wonderful thing called the internet.
Which includes Wikipedia, which I have enjoyed.
The point of the class was to make us "responsible skeptics" and take the resources we have to find out the truth and legitimate information. So each week we had an issue in society and we had to find biological evidence to support each side of the issue.

I think overall the thing I have learned is that you can't really trust things you read in an article or see on the news. You really do have to look up and check out facts before making an informed decision.
Which is another thing I have learned, we should all be making informed decisions. 
Not just decisions based on what our neighbor is doing or whatever.
With the internet we can easily find reliable resources with good information.
I did it every week in five minutes.

So I think Dr. Cate's made the point he wanted to with me. I see the importance of good info. 

Goodbye biology, you have been... interesting?


Sweet Lily said...

Cool! A nice post!

Clark perrins said...

lilly do good work day your bigger