Thursday, July 21, 2011


Well, I've been absent.
Have you noticed? 
I have. And I think about this lovely little blog of mine often.
But I wanted to make some changes.

"Finding My Happily Ever After" was based on a talk by President Uchtdorf .
He told us young girls to look for the happy little things in life that make a fairy tale. 
So I wanted a place to document all those little pieces of my fairy tale. 
Cause I really do have a wonderful little tale unfolding.

And while I'm still developing my fairy tale, piece by piece.
I need a little change and a simplified title to type in and tell people. 
That's the real reason behind it all.  
And so here it is,
"The Life"

A blog about the beauty that is my life. 
I'm back baby. It's gonna be a good.
Just you wait. 

PS-Don't judge me on being absent for so long, I'm busy.
PSS- Don't judge the new background, I'm gonna fix it. 
PSS- Just don't judge people, It's not nice:)


Deborah said...

Lilly Pyle is back!! Woot woot!!

Marissa's little thoughts said...

ttooottaaaally judging you ;)