Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I have exactly 7 minutes before I get picked up to head to work.
But I just read my Mom's blog and I want to tell her something.

I had a near meltdown last night, not feeling like I was going to be "enough".
AKA fail the tests I have to take before coming home.
But I kept thinking in my head Mom always does it one step at a time.
One thing at a time. So that's what I did. 
And guess what?
I finished all my homework and studying.
Kicked bum on that darn test today.

You taught me I am enough. Even if I still have a hard time seeing it sometimes.
I love ya. You're the best.

Today I learned: Testing center can be conquered. And WILL be conquered!
Today I love: The fact that I'm caught up in sewing class. BAM.


Terry said...

What a great post, and what a great lesson. Thank you for sharing. I am so glad that you have the mother you have. Not only do I love her but I am oh so grateful she has been the primary example for my children.

Susan said...

Ahh, Lil. I love you. I'm so glad that you were able to conquer that testing center. I'm so glad that you realize, you ARE enough.

Can't wait to have you home!!