Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Sewing would have the final at 7am.. Cherry on top.
This probably was my most stressful class, yeah, you heard that right.
Not cause I've taken easy peasy classes.
But because I'm the SLOWEST sewer there ever was.
And I ask a million questions, which really isn't a new thing for me. 

So deadlines were killer. 
But I made all of them, by some kind of miracle.

Besides the deadlines. I really enjoyed this class.
I made 2 really cute skirts.
1 disaster of an ugly shirt (which was not my fault, the pattern was super unflattering)
and 1 pair of legit pajama pants.

I was a little nervous about this class because every time I've been in the position to sew before, whoever was teaching me ended up doing it for me...
I wonder how that happened.............

But it was really good for me, 
I even opened up my sewing machine. 3 months after I got it. 
Woo. Good times.

I think I'll have to take a break from sewing for awhile to re-coup from the craziness of it all.
And I'll miss Hayley when I sew (we were the duds of the class together).
Who will laugh with me when it turns out horrible????

Good times in sewing. Good times. 


Susan said...

You will be soooooo glad you know how to sew, at some point in your life. Trust me. I know these things. ;)

Killey said...

I took that class too. I swear, we made the same things! My teacher during the final asked me what happened, when I had to model my final project which was the skirt. I had actually thought that was the one thing I'd done right :p