Monday, March 12, 2012


I've got just a few things on my mind...

1. I spent the majority of last week thinking that BYU-Idaho is the most unhelpful place I have ever been.
For two main reasons: Financial aid and advisers.

I've gone into and called the financial aid office more times in the two months I've been at this school than in all my two and a half years in Provo. It has been incredibly frustrating. But with four weeks left in the semester, I think I just have one more set of paperwork to turn in.. Then my financial aid can come in. If only someone told me the right things to do four months ago when I started calling......

We had to register last week for next semester and neither of us really had a clue what would be the best options for us with all of our random transfer credits. I was able to get some help fairly quickly. But Breck talked to six different people just to get a straight answer out of someone. I think he's got a good plan now by combining the little bits of good information from each person. Seriously crazy how difficult it was to find one helpful person in this whole place. 

I know no school is perfect and we'd have some type of issue no matter where we go. But my goodness it was a frustrating week for us at school. I do really like many things about BYU-I thought. 
Just not either of those departments. Ha. 

2. I want to be a school adviser. I'm a little discouraged by our experiences though... I want to work in a high school though. Maybe it's better there. Hopefully. I'll be helpful though.

3. I love our primary class. We had ward conference yesterday so we didn't have to go to primary. And I actually missed them. I think I'll write about some of the funny things that they've said in class.

4. Rexburg was like a whole new world on Saturday. Apparently forty is the magic degree to turn this town upside down. That's how warm it was and there were a million people out and about. I think I'm going to like it here this summer:)

5. We're going home for spring break. I cannot wait. And my sisters might come here the week before that. Could I be more excited? NO.

6. That's all.. 

1 comment:

Clark perrins said...

hi Lilly do today and your boy do for him we love it your bigger form you is good